An ideal packages for the adventurous and the history-couscious. The sand trek package beckons you to the adventures of sand and water between river Krishna and rearside of our resorts coupled with vides which temple and Buddhu stupa. Tricks of rope usage & gliding may be learnt in the process.

Our "Sand - Trek Package" is verily an ideal packdage for the adventure - thirsty and the history - conscious, beckoning you to the adventures of Sand and Water between River Krishna and rear - side of our resorts coupled with rides involving tricks of rope - usage and gliding.

Buddhist stupa at Amaravathi which isw renowned fro the fact that it was installed by none - other than Gautam Buddha himself and which will be a center - of - attraction during the forth coming Dalai Lama Visit.

  Hurry Up.. Hurry Up..
Karthika Masam
Special Descount Packages availabe.
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